Our job

Biblimmo sprl Copyright © 2014 - Rue des Quatre bras 6, 1000 Bruxelles - Tel :02/502.02.88 - Fax : 02/502.02.88

Our job:


We invest in real estate retail, whether it be commercial, residential or industrial.


Thanks to our advanced expertise, we select quality properties in real estate areas where the occupancy demand exceeds the supply, especially in areas where property supply is hardly present.


Estimating the value of a property is of the utmost importance. The estimation is first of all based on the index of real estate prices (quarterly data) by sector. In addition, there is the expertise of our partners from different trades of the building sector that will help us get a more precise idea of the actual market price.


The final negotiations are always very tight because all the clients wish to acquire the best location and the best returns, with minimum risk.


Biblimmo made the strategic decision to manage his portfolio by separating two types of activities: first, a long-term policy of buying quality property and renting them to prime customers; second, a short-term policy of buying property, giving them added value and then reselling them.


This management in according to the Prudent Man Rule has a double objective: to have working capital to ensure the durability of our operating cycle and to provide a cash flow that allows us to reduce third party funds and debts.


Risk management is an integral part of our business and we have an obligation to react very quickly to external risks, such as changes in political regulation, devaluation of the value of real estate, risks related to the increase in interest rates which would reduce purchasing intentions, the risk (linked to the previous) of major companies closing sales points in favour of e-commerce, having to give a new destination to a property, obtaining the planning permit (which is a long and uncertain process)...


We have a duty to pay attention to our environment and to react quickly in order to minimize losses.
